5 Ways to make a Dark Girl Look Beautiful


As an African American woman, I know first-hand how frustrating it can be to see pictures of women who look similar to you and wonder .

why they’re considered more beautiful than you. Whether it’s because they have lighter skin, longer hair, or different facial features, we all have things about ourselves that we wish were different – even if we try not to admit it! 

While there’s no way to turn back the clock or dramatically change certain aspects of your appearance, there are still plenty of ways to accentuate your strengths and help you feel better about yourself when you look in the mirror.

1) Embrace your natural skin tone

There are times when makeup is needed, like for special occasions or when you're feeling down and want to brighten your mood. 

But you don't have to use products every day or wear foundation and lipstick all of the time. Makeup is great for covering blemishes, dark circles under your eyes and other imperfections in your skin tone, but it's not necessary 24/7.

 In fact, allowing yourself some time each day without makeup can do wonders for boosting your self-confidence. 

You'll realize that natural beauty doesn't fade when makeup does!

2) Add colors using accessories and shoes

The brown skin woman can gain beauty by matching her accessories and shoes with her clothing. 

Brown skin is often known as sexy in many cultures, so wear your favorite color of earrings and match it with an accessory that’s one or two shades lighter or darker than your shirt. 

This gives your outfit a boost of color while showing off your natural brown skin and making you look beautiful.

3) Find the right foundation that matches your skin

Many of us have dark complexions, which means we’re prone to both hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation. 

If you have brown skin, it’s important to find a foundation that matches your skin tone so you don’t look washed out or grey.

 Be sure you also use foundation with an SPF of at least 15 – protection from sun damage is essential if you want flawless skin.

4) Don’t be afraid of bold lipstick colors

Dark skin is often beautiful, but it can also be intimidating. 

If you’re not naturally confident in your skin tone, don’t let that get in your way. 

Instead of trying to cover it up, wear bold lipstick colors like red or burgundy—and complement them with equally vibrant makeup and accessories. 

A little bit of makeup can go a long way toward making dark skin appear truly beautiful.

5) Try a soft, smoky eye

Shades of gray and charcoal look fantastic on brown skin; don’t be afraid to use dark colors in your makeup. For some inspiration, search for images with dark girl makeup or beautiful brown women. 

Next time you go out, grab your eye shadow and try using black eyeliner—or even better, use an actual black eyeliner pencil like Bobbi Brown. 

The smoky look will enhance your features without turning you into something unrecognizable.

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